Music Om Mantra Chanting / Meditative Mind
YOU can close your eyes and listen to this prayer while holding firm to the belief that prayer - even an atheists prayer - has the power to sway the outcome of a situation, or you can read this prayer out loud with or without the narrated version playing, or you can listen to the narration and simply say out loud @ the end of each prayer verse merciful universe hear this atheists prayer.
Of course you can always pick out just one verse and read it out loud or whisper it to the cosmos if the need arises - for instance in Donald Trump appears to be losing the plot on Twitter, then go to the Twitter verse (number 13) ... and so on for whatever unfolding circumstances may take form in the bizarre Trumpesphere ...
1 (Narrator But Not Leader AKA Equal Among All)
all our heart, mind and soul let us pray
Let us lay our requests
and supplications
before the infinite matrix
the great grand
the divine consciousness
the never ending universal
saying “hear this atheists prayer”.
2 (For the qualities of Donald Trump)
Donald Trump who leads and serves
as the President of the United
States of America
may he be guided and directed
by hOpe, peace
and charity
let these three virtues be @ the heart of all his
Merciful universe
hear this atheists prayer.
3 (For the heart and soul of Donald Trump)
Donald Trump show compassion
to all the citizens of the Unites
help him be a respecter of all
may he show equal favour
to everyone
regardless of race, colour, nationality, religion,
disability and sexuality etc
Merciful universe
hear this
atheists prayer.
4 (For the mind of Donald Trump)
Donald Trumps mind
from all vexations, disturbances and chemical
instead let his mind be host to
calm, clarity and
rational thinking
let his mind be a wellspring of sound
let his mind function with heightened reasoning
him optimum mental healthfulness
Merciful universe
hear this
atheists prayer.
5 (For Donald Trump and the truth)
Donald Trump to know the difference
between the truth and a
let him be drawn to the truth
and turn away from all
falsehoods and fabrications
let only truth flow from out of his
heart, mind and mouth
and if lies are told about him
help him
to be stable and turn his attention away from fake news
hear this atheists prayer.
6 (For Donald Trump and gender, race, disability equality)
Donald Trump
to not be swayed by our differences
let him
embrace diversity
let him judge woman, man, girl and boy
by the
content of their character
not their gender, sexuality, race or
any type of disability
Merciful universe
hear this atheists
7 (For Donald Trump on immigration)
the blinkers of prejudice and racism
from Donald Trumps eyes
him initiate fair and equal immigration policies
let him justify
entry based on need and merit
let his heart warm to the diversity
of religions and belief systems
let him welcome those of all
colours, religions and nationalities from all countries
hear this atheists prayer.
8 (For Donald Trumps mindset On Peace With North Korea)
Donald Trump settle any dispute with North Korea
by jaw
jaw as
opposed to war
him to walk the path of diplomacy with North Korea
reveal to him
the deep and hidden horrors
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
show him
the utter mad folly
of the US ever using nuclear weapons
cause him to quickly gain and grasp the concept
mutually assured destruction
let him be unconditionally
by the abhorrence of nuclear weapons
hear this atheists prayer.
9 (For Donald Trump And Peace Between Israel & Palestine).
Donald Trump that for peace to prevail
both sides have to be
treated with the utmost fairness
help him realise that his
contentious embassy decision
only serves to promote discord and
and further the pain and plight of peoples on both
let him be an instigator of the peace solution
by also
placing an embassy in East Jerusalem
in recognition of the State
of Palestine
as well as an embassy in West Jerusalem
recognition of the state of Israel
Merciful universe
hear this
atheists prayer.
10 (For Donald Trump And the ((love of ) ) money)
Donald Trump that money should never be used
as a political or
economic bargaining tool
let him realise that cutting off funding
for refugees is cruel
let him recall the Aesops
fable of
the north
wind, sun, man and coat
of blowing a cold aggressive wind
upon the people of
help him realise that shining a light of charitable
on the Palestinian people
will @ least not further erode
the peace process
between Israel and Palestine.
hear this atheists prayer.
11 (For Donald Trump and the environment)
Donald Trump to put the environment before big business
let him
become sensitive to the needs of Mother Earth
show him the
independent scientific evidence that climate change is real
him also understand that sacred sites such as Standing Rock
the land is much loved and the water is uncontaminated
should not
be desecrated by pipelines.
Merciful universe
hear this
atheists prayer.
12 (For Donald Trump and his ego)
Donald Trump to become mindful of his ego
cause him to understand
that his time in presidential office
should be spent serving the
people to their betterment
as opposed to fighting
a futile,
vainglorious and petty battle with the media
cause him to become
unaffected by any fake news
let him turn away from selfish
immature provocations
and instead concentrate his mind on selfless
Merciful universe
hear this atheists prayer.
13 (For Donald Trump and Twitter)
Donald Trump to think before he tweets
cause him to refrain from
erratic tweeting
help him to not start or become drawn
of the pen sparing
show him that serious policy decisions ought to be
with much depth of thought and as many words as will
and not constrained by 140 to 280 characters
hear this atheists prayer.
14 (For Trump & the wOrld wide web AKA net neutrality)
to Donald Trumps attention
the democratizing soft power of the
help him understand that a neutral and accessible
is an essential utility in the new digital age
him to realize that many small businesses
rely on an internet
where all traffic is served @ the same speed
show him that the
internet is a bastion of free speech
help him learn to simply
ignore free speech he doesn't like
let him become a proponent of a
non-cabalised open internet
Merciful universe
hear this
atheists prayer.
15 (For Donald Trump and the wOrld)
Donald Trump to realise that
no country or continent is a
help him understand
the geographic,
geopolitical and economic maladies
of many third world and
developing countries
bring to his attention that trade tariffs
mostly weighted in the favour of developed countries
show him too
that many people from developing countries
are highly trained and
have degrees
let him also understand that he is the president
one of the most powerful countries in the wOrld
free him from all
anger, animosity and resentment
bring complete sanity to his mind
and compassion to his heart
Merciful universe
hear this
atheists prayer.
Do you have a verse that you'd like to add to this atheists prayer for Donald Trump !?! If yes please send your verse to office@dumspirosperoworld along with your first name and surname if you wish or you can remain anonymous
Furthermore if you'd like to - you can narrate your verse and send the audio file to us by email and we will add it to this podcast :)
Quote By Yeshua AKA Jesus Christ
Pray for those who persecute you
Originally created and published by Dum Spiro Spero wOrld in the year of our universe 2018 (during Donald Trumps first US presidential term).