Music Zig Zag By Kevin Macleod
TEN terrific tarot tips and tricks here for your oracular delight and delectation are ten awesomely amazing, terrific tarot tips and tricks.
One tip it's all in the shuffle. Mixing the cards up so they are completely random, and that any previous reading doesn't influence the order of the cards. For the next reading, you can learn to riffle shuffle tarot cards by cutting the deck into two equal halves, then hold these halves in each hand. Place your thumbs at the top of the stack of cards and bend your middle fingers and put them along the opposite edge of each card stack. Move the stacks closer together, and then gently move your thumbs in an upward direction against the edges of each card stack. Now the cards should overlap one another as they are shuffled, and if at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again.
Two trick to attract love and romance to your life. Place the lovers card and the two of cups on your altar or mantelpiece. Or even on your bedside table. Place a red candle beside the lovers tarot card and a pink candle on the side of the Two of cups. Tarot card. Each evening, light the candles and spend five minutes thinking about love and sex and your ideal partner. Then blow out the candles and say thank you. Rinse and repeat until Mr. or Miss Right appears in your real three dimensional life.
Three tip get in the zone. This little piece of useful and heartfelt advice applies to tarot card readers and those who are getting a tarot reading equally. Make sure that you are in the right frame of mind before consulting the tarot for yourself or others seeking a tarot reading. You don't have to be jumping up and down for joy, but it's imperative that you are feeling balanced and energised. Then, as a professional tarot cards reader, you will be able to conduct an accurate tarot reading for your client. And in like manner, if you're the tarot client, chances are when you're in the zone, the tarot cards drawn in the reading will enlighten you for
Four trick to attract money to yourself. Get yourself a mini tarot card. Stick one of those mini tarot decks in a tin will be perfect for this. Also, get a purse or wallet which has at least five separate compartments, and put your £5 notes or $5 notes or whatever currency pertains to your corner of the world, and place the mini Ace of Pentacles card in your purse compartment with your fivers. This card will help you to attract new money making opportunities.
Then put the Four of Pentacles and any £10 or $10 notes, or any other currency notes in the denomination of ten, in a separate compartment in your purse. This card should help stop you from wasting your money, so that you only spend your money on important and worthwhile things.
Seven is a pretty lucky number, so seven it shall be. Find the Seven of Pentacles card and put this in another separate compartment of your purse or wallet. Now get a £20 or $20 note, or the currency particular to the country you live in, and put the note or notes in your purse or wallet so they are accompanied by the Seven of Pentacles. This card will help you attract good luck with business or job opportunities.
Next it's time to utilise the energy of the Nine of Pentacles by putting this card in your purse compartment for £50 or $50 notes or your particular currency. The Nine of Pentacles will help you draw all manner of money, opportunities, and abundance. If you don't have a £50 or $50 note, still put the Nine of Pentacles card inside your wallet or purse compartment, and on a small piece of paper, write £50 or $50 or whatever currency you're 50 money note will be, and place this piece of paper in your wallet or purse, along with the Nine of Pentacles, and then expect a £50 or $50 note to as if by magic, manifest and make its way to your purse.
Okay, so now it's time for the hundreds. If you have a $100 bill or whatever your national currency is, presuming that they use the 100 denomination, place this in a separate compartment within your purse or wallet, and also put the Ten of Pentacles card with it. This card can help attract such an abundant amount of money that you will be easily. Able to share it with family and friends. If you don't have a $100 bill, then you could even exchange your local currency for a US $100 bill and place this in your purse or wallet. Or instead you could write on a piece of paper the United States of America $100 and place this in the separate compartment, along with the Ten of Pentacles, and then be amazed when 100 American dollars magically comes to you.
Remember that whenever you take money out of your purse or wallet to pay for something, look at the said tarot card, also tucked away with the note or notes.
Five tip use a tarot deck you truly resonate with. After all, it's not much use turning to a deck for advice or insights into personal and emotional development or fortune telling. If you feel lacklustre about it and don't feel an affinity with the images or energy of the said tarot deck. The great thing about the internet age is that you can easily source images for various tarot card decks online, or find video reviews so you don't even have to try before you buy. And any tarot decks in your possession which you don't connect with, give away or swap.
Six trick. Get to know the energy of each tarot card. This can easily be done in two very practical ways. At the beginning of each day, shuffle your tarot cards while at the same time asking the universe or the tarot to show you what the energy of your day is going to be like, and then pluck a card from the deck and put this card on your mantelpiece. Or write the card name in your diary for the day's specific date. Then, at the end of the day, dwell on what happened throughout your day and compare the day's events with the meanings and or images for the particular tarot deck card you drew in the morning. You can also record the happenings of the day in your diary or journal, underneath the date and name of the card you pulled. Of course, you can also do this in reverse, and instead, at the end of the day, by shuffling the cards and then asking the question what sort of energy has my day had? And then pluck a card from your tarot deck. Then work out how your day connects and coincides with the tarot card you've just drawn.
Seven tip go to bed with your tarot deck. Yes, that's right, as odd as this first sounds, wrap your favourite deck of tarot cards in a silk scarf, or put the cards in a tarot bag or purse and then place them under your pillows at night. Pillows is much more preferable to just a single pillow, as even though you are a beautiful princess or prince of the universe, you don't want to be like the Princess and the pea. And instead of feeling a pea in your bed, feeling a stack of cards under your head, sleeping with your tarot deck underneath your pillows can help you form a closer bond with your deck, and it can even enhance the prospect of having the odd tarot related dream or two, or a few
Eight trick intuition instead of tuition, we can get so bogged down with learning all the various meanings and astrological aspects of the tarot cards that we sometimes forget to use our own satnav. Super amazing transformative navigation, also known as our own inner navigation system. So the next time you read the cards, why not go with the first word, idea or visual that comes to your mind, or any meanings that your dreams about tarot have given to you in the wee hours of the night. Ride the magic wave and go with the flow.
Nine tip read the images on the tarot cards. If you are conducting a reading for either a friend, yourself or even professionally, and for some reason your mind goes totally blank. Instead of trying to recall the textbook meanings for the cards, actually read the cards as though the illustrations and images are telling a story. What do you see when you look at each tarot card in the spread? What is happening? What is the person doing? What mood do the predominant colours of each card convey? What do the various symbols on the cards mean? And so on, ad infinitum.
Ten trick Tarot Moon Magic Imbue your tarot deck with out of this world energy by using the natural, intuitive power of the moon. On the night of the full moon, put your stack of tarot cards with the moon card facing upwards on the top of the deck and the star card next underneath it on a windowsill or even outside if your cards will stay dry and place a large crystal or gemstone on the top. If you have a crystal ball, you can arrange your tarot deck with the moon and star cards facing upwards so they are reflected in the crystal ball, with the rest of the tarot deck stacked alongside the crystal ball with a crystal or gemstone placed on top. This will add greater synergy to both your deck of cards, as well as your crystal ball for the next few weeks, until the full moon next appears. Your tarot cards and crystal ball and gemstones for that matter, will amaze you in all sorts of magical ways. You're bound to have some tarot tricks and tips of your own, but that's our top ten terrific tarot tips and tricks list. Hope you like it!
Quote by Roald Dahl
Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you. Because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it
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