YOU are most welcome to write a guest blog post article for Dum Spiro Spero wOrld, which will be a win, win - a win for you - because you can add a link to your own website or blog and or a social media profile within your said article or we will add the said links for you, plus a win for Dum Spiro Spero, as it will help populate this humble little website with content!
Here at Dum Spiro Spero wOrld, we like each written blog post article to also come in audio mp3 format, which Dum Spiro Spero uploads to an online mp3 host - and then embeds in the blog post it pertains to, on this site; this gives the reader the option to become a listener - and take advantage in the ease of listening and hence resting and relaxing priceless eyes!
OK, so when it comes to your blog post article submission for this blogsite, we prefer the article length to be between a minimum of 500 words to a maximum of 1500 words.
Your article must be unique to this website and mustn't already exist elsewhere online. You can write about anything metaphysical, new age, spiritual or even religious {though anything religious mustn't be dogmatic or spout religious ideology or supremacy}.
Furthermore your article must be written by the one and only YOU and not generated via ChatGPT or any other similar ghastly written article software for cheats, thieves and lazy folk ...
Your written content should obviously be based on the metaphysical, new age, spiritual or religious service/s and or products you are promoting. For instance if you are a tarot card reader, you could write about your favourite type of reading you do and why it will benefit potential clients. Alternatively if you sell crystals, you could write about the healing properties of crystals etc.
Now be sure to remember that as well as your written blog post article, you need to also record yourself reading your said blog post article - and this must be in your own voice or at the very least, an accurate Ai clone of your own voice; not an artificial intelligence regular voice clone or Ai text to voice reader etc. As you have probably deduced Dum Spiro Spero isn't entirely against Ai, it has its uses but for blog post audio submissions, our readers and listeners want to hear your authentic voice!
Please also submit one square 1080px image or a square gif, with the title of your blog post on it and remember to include the link to your website or blog and or one social media link.
So to recap, please send the following as set down below, to ~
dum spiro spero @ email . com
1) Your unique written article by email, as an email or a pdf attachment
2) Your mp3 recording of yourself narrating your blog post article
3) One 1080px square image / or a square gif with the title of your blog post article overlayed on the image, similar to the image at the top of this article for example!
4) One link to your own website or blog landing page and or your social media profile link.
Quote by Louis L 'Amour
Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the water is turned on!