YOU are very welcome and indeed if you are of a musical persuasion, are cordially invited, to create a guest music jingle for Dum Spiro Spero wOrld, which will be added to our sidebar and sometimes featured as the opening jingle for audio essays published here on this metaphysical website!
Furthermore we will also add a link to your own website / blog / social media / music playlist or a few of these just beneath your jingle embedded on this site!
Please make your music jingle no more than 20 seconds and it must at the very least contain the words Dum Spiro Spero or additionally Dum Spiro Spero World or Dum Spiro Spero Dot World plus you can also include While I Breathe I Hope you can either sing or rap or even simply speak the above words in red however your jingle must also contain actual music, which can be happy, thoughtful, deep, sad etc.
Your jingle must be unique to this website and mustn't already exist elsewhere online, neither can it be a tune or song that already exists in any format, to put it another way, the jingle must emanate from you, from your own wonderful musical mind - yes strictly from only yourself !!!
Furthermore your jingle must not be written or composed using artificial intelligence or any other similar music artist rip-off software.
Here's a quick run through of what you need to send to ~
dum spiro spero @ email . com
1) Your unique mp3 music jingle by email, as an email attachment
2) One link to your own website or blog landing page and or one (of your) social media profile link and one link to your music playlist online (such as Reverbnation / SoundCloud / Spotify / YouTube etc).
Quote by Abba
Nothing can capture a heart like a melody can